Criteria for Sustainable Palm Oil Production: Papua New Guinea National Interpretation

Date modified: 15 February 2022

The Papua New Guinea National Interpretation 2014 is based on the generic document of the Principles and Criteria for Sustainable Palm Oil 2013 (P&C 2013), which will be used as a standard for palm oil mills and plantations attaining certification under RSPO. The new Criteria, with associated Indicators, that have been added into the P&C 2013 are:  Criteria 1.3 – Ethical Conduct  Criteria 6.12 – Forced and Trafficked Labour  Criteria 6.13 – Respecting Human Rights; and  Criteria 7.8 – Minimizing GHG Emissions from New Plantings

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Issued 2021-07-19
Modified 2022-02-15
DCAT Type Text
Publisher Name PNG Oil Palm Industry Corporation
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  • biatus.bito