Fiji NDC Implementation Roadmap 2017-2030

Date modified: 15 February 2022

This NDC Implementation Roadmap 2017-2030 shall be considered a “living” document in that information expressed in this publication represents the Government of Fiji’s current understanding of the energy sector, and current understanding of mitigation actions (including technology, finance, capacity building, and technical assistance needs), which willcontribute to meeting the targets set out in Fiji’s Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC). The Government of Fiji reserves the right to periodically update the NDC Implementation Roadmap 2017-2030, as may be needed, to ensure validity, transparency, and accuracy over time. Most notably, the Government of Fiji understands that not all of Fiji’s renewable energy resources are mapped in detail, nor are all mitigation actions fully investigated, and that the inclusion of new or improved technology, and its costs over time, will have an impact on future national planning. The NDC Implementation Roadmap 2017-2030 was developed under the guidance of the Ministry of Economy withsupport from the Global Green Growth Institute.

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Alternate Identifier
Issued 2020-04-06T07:04:36.870817
Modified 2022-02-15 03:44:52.553539
DCAT Type Text
Source GGGI Fiji Office
Contact Point
  • Fiji Ministry of Economy