Medium Term Development Plan III (2018-2022) Volume 1

Date modified: 15 February 2022

The Medium Term Development Plan III (MTDP III) captures the main thrust of the Alotau Accord II and sets the Goal of “Securing our future through inclusive sustainable economic growth” by focusing on key investments to further stimulate the economic growth in the medium term. The key priorities of the Alotau Accord II are (1) inclusive Economic Growth with renewed focus in Agriculture, (2) continuing with Infrastructure development, (3) improvement of quality of Health Care, (4) improvement of quality of Education and Skills Development, and (5) improvement of Law and Order.

Building on the gains and experiences of MTDP I and II (2012- 2017) and the priorities of Alotau Accord II, this Plan was formulated taking into account also the principles of inclusiveness and sustainability prescribed by the Strategy for Responsible Sustainable Development (StaRS) and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). Under the MTDP III, the Government will focus on: (1) Increasing the revenue base and improving revenue collection, (2) increasing exports, (3) reducing imports, (4) improving and increasing opportunities for citizens to create wealth, and (5) improving the quality and effectiveness in the delivery of public goods and services.

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Issued 2021-07-19
Modified 2022-02-15
DCAT Type Text
Publisher Name PNG Department of National Planning & Monitoring
Contact Point
  • PNG Department of National Planning