Mission Report – Economics of Climate Change Adaptation – Collaborative work with IUCN and the Government of Australia, 1-5 February 2011

Date modified: 11 August 2022

Gerber F., Holland P. 2011. Mission Report – Economics of Climate Change Adaptation – Collaborative work with IUCN and the Government of Australia, 1-5 February 2011. Suva, Fiji: SPC, Pacific Community. 3 p.

Data and Resources

  • https://purl.org/spc/digilib/doc/r5kpt
  • oai:www.spc.int:0742b010-8adc-4d0a-994b-5088bd7dbe63
Issued 2011
Modified 2022-08-11
Language English
DCAT Type Text
Contact Point
  • Gerber F.

  • Holland P.