Gold potential at the Matepono river mouth and adjacent, Solomon Island, -an augering program-, May 1995

Date modified: 11 August 2022

Lum J., David, Michael D., Leanamae I., Motuiwaca S., Ratu S., Sato W. 2008. Gold potential at the Matepono river mouth and adjacent, Solomon Island, -an augering program-, May 1995. Suva, Fiji: South Pacific Applied Geoscience Commission. 40 p.

Data and Resources

Issued 2008
Modified 2022-08-11
Language English
DCAT Type Text
Contact Point
  • Lum J.

  • David

  • Michael D.

  • Leanamae I.

  • Motuiwaca S.

  • Ratu S.

  • Sato W.