Cattle farming in the Pacific: climate change affecting cattle production in the Pacific is a reality: let us be prepared

Date modified: 19 September 2022

Secretariat of the Pacific Community. 2013. Cattle farming in the Pacific: climate change affecting cattle production in the Pacific is a reality: let us be prepared. Suva, Fiji: Secretariat of the Pacific Community. 4 leaves

Data and Resources

Issued 2013
Modified 2022-09-19
Language English
DCAT Type Text
Publisher Name Secretariat of the Pacific Community
Contact Point
  • S,e,c,r,e,t,a,r,i,a,t, ,o,f, ,t,h,e, ,P,a,c,i,f,i,c, ,C,o,m,m,u,n,i,t,y