PIGGAREP Quarterly Progress Report 1st Quarter 2010

Date modified: 15 February 2022

PIGGAREP 1st quarter progress report for 2010. This is the first progress report on the 2010 Work Plan, a work plan that has been designed based on the experiences with the slow delivery rate on the 2009 work plan. The multipartite review (MPR) meeting of November 2009 agreed that all PICs must only have an average of two to three activities each for the 2010 work plan, compared to five in 2009, but with the flexibility to increase or decrease based on capacity and delivery. The general progress during the quarter was highly satisfactory with the delivery rate at 98%.

Data and Resources

Alternate Identifier https://pacificdata.org/data/dataset/piggarep-quarterly-progress-report-1st-quarter-20102
Issued 2020-04-06T06:21:30.586352
Modified 2022-02-15 03:20:06.981097
DCAT Type Text
Contact Point
  • SPREP - PIGGAREP Project