Population by labour force and employment status

Date modified: 24 April 2024

Status of employment for people aged 15+. Number of people who are in/out of the labour force, employed or unemployed. The "employed" category is disaggregated by Status in employment (for the main job). Status of employment is divided into 5 categories: employees, employers, own-account workers, contributing family workers and workers not classified by status. "Employees" comprises all individuals working in the public and private sector, "Contributing family workers" contains all individuals working to sell their products, producing goods for family use and those working to help a family business.

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Licence Other (Open) [Open Data]
Identifier SPC:DF_LABEMP(1.0)
Modified 2024-04-24
DCAT Type Dataset
Source https://stats.pacificdata.org/vis?locale=en&dataflow[datasourceId]=SPC2&dataflow[agencyId]=SPC&dataflow[dataflowId]=DF_LABEMP&dataflow[version]=1.0
Temporal Coverage From 2011-01-01
Temporal Coverage To 2021-12-31
Publisher Name SPC