Press Release: Bougainville male Advocate Forum 2019

Date modified: 2019

Men from across Bougainville united during the Bougainville Male Advocates Forum (23–27 September 2019) in support of the rights of women and children to live free of violence. Over 150 men, representative of the three regions of Bougainville (North, Central and South) pledged their commitment to keeping women and girls safe and to give their support to promoting gender equality within their homes and communities. From North Bougainville men also chose to commit to ownership of working with men and boys to promote gender equality; from South Bougainville men committed to reduce family and sexual violence through awareness; and from Central Bougainville men committed to the promotion of equal participation and positive role modelling.

Data and Resources

Issued 2019
Modified 2019
DCAT Type Text
Publisher Name IWDA