Renewable Energy: The Solar Home PV Program in Fiji - A Successful RESCO Approach?

Date modified: 15 February 2022

Article is published in the Renewable Energy International Journal regarding the rural SHS electrification programs being implemented in Fiji. The Fiji solar home system (SHS) programme providess electricity, primarily for lighting, for remote households located in the rural areas where supplying electricity via the grid is not feasible. The progrmme is implemented by the Department of Energy (DoEF) and although intially designed on the RESCO model, the program as currently implemented is based on a partial RESCO approach as the goverrnment rather than a service company has full responsibility for program delivery. Donor supplied capital is used for the intial equipment purchases and installation costsand all equipment and components supplied and installed under the program owned by the government.

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Alternate Identifier
Issued 2020-04-06T06:45:27.208121
Modified 2022-02-15 03:34:35.383836
DCAT Type Text
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  • Tania Urmee, David Harries