Solomon Islands, 2015, Fuel Wholesale & Retail Prices

Date modified: 15 February 2022

Wholesale & retail prices for petroleum products in the Solomon Islands, including diesel, kerosene, gasoline & LPG. Prices are given in Solomon Islands Cents Per Litre for the fuel, and the gas is provided in Solomon Islands Cents Per Kg. Wholesale prices for diesel, kerosene and petrol were taken directly from 2 oil companies monthly submissions. Dataset provided by the Consumer Affairs & Price Control Division. Data is available for the years 2014 (only September to December) and whole of 2015.

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Alternate Identifier 4743
Issued 2022-02-15T04:39:05.147873
Modified 2022-02-15T15:39:05.055718
DCAT Type Text
Source Solomon Islands Consumer Affairs & Price Control Division