Kiribati Population and Housing Census 2005

Date modified: 13 May 2019 Version 01

The primary objective of the Census is to determine the official count of the number of persons and households in Kiribati in 2005 and can be used to compare their socio-economic characteristics with those 5 years ago collected in the 2000 Population Census. Results of the census are most useful for government of Kiribati for planning and policy formulation and thus have a direct impact on the Kiribati population. The Population Census for 2005 is one of the requirements of the NSO and has been stipulated as one of the key development areas in the National Development Strategy (NDS) 2004-2007 report.

Version 01: Cleaned, labelled and de-identified version of the Master file.

-HOUSEHOLD: Housing and Lands, food, livestock and fishing, capital goods, energy and waste management, cash inflow, environmental issue.
-INDIVIDUAL: Population's characteristics, education, use of narcotics, work status, fertility.

  • Collection start: 2005
  • Collection end: 2005
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Data and Resources

Identifier SPC_KIR_2005_PHC_v01_M
Issued 2019-05-13
Modified 2019-05-13
Version 01
DCAT Type Text
Temporal Coverage From 2005-01-01
Temporal Coverage To 2005-12-31
Publisher Name Kiribati National Statistics Office
Contact Point
  • National Statistics Office