Niue Household Income and Expenditure Survey 2015-2016

Date modified: 12 November 2019 Version 01

HIES collects a wealth of information on HH income and expenditure, such as source of income by industry, HH expenditure on goods and services, and income and expenditure associated with subsistence production and consumption. In addition to this, HIES collects information on sectoral and thematic areas, such as education, health, labour force, primary activities, transport, information and communication, transfers and remittances, food expenditure (acquisition) and gender. The Pacific Islands regionally standardized HIES instruments and procedures were adopted by NSO for the 2015/2016 HIES. These standards, were designed to feed high-quality data to HIES data end users for: • deriving expenditure weights and other useful data for the revision of the CPI; • supplementing the data available for use in compiling official estimates of various components in the System of NA; • supplementing the data available for production of the balance of payments; and • gathering information on poverty lines and the incidence of poverty in Niue.

The data allow for the production of useful indicators and information on the industries covered in the survey, including providing data to inform indicators under the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This report, the above listed outputs, and additional thematic analyses, collectively provide information to assist with multisector planning and policy formation. The 2015/2016 HIES was conducted to update the 2002 HIES data and aimed to estimate the total amount HH spent and earnt over the past 12 months at the national level (total expenditure and income).

V01: Cleaned, labelled and anonymized version of the Master file.

HOUSEHOLD: Housing characteristics, tenure characteristics, utilities and communication, goods and assets, vehicles and accessories, loans, expenditure, income.

INDIVIDUAL: Demographic profile, economic activities, health, communication.

  • Collection start: 2015
  • Collection end: 2016
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Data and Resources

Identifier SPC_NIU_2015_HIES_v01_M_v01_A_PUF
Issued 2019-11-12
Modified 2019-11-12
Version 01
DCAT Type Dataset
Temporal Coverage From 2015-01-01
Temporal Coverage To 2016-12-31
Publisher Name Niue National Statistics Office
Contact Point
  • Niue National Statistics Office