Nauru Population and Housing Census 2011

Date modified: 18 August 2013 Version 1

The Nauru Population and Housing Census 2011 is funded by UNFPA and AusAID. Technical assistant was provided by the SPC/SDP from Noumea. The Census night took place on 30th October 2011 at 12 midnight. The fieldwork was scheduled to complete in 2 weeks and the final schedule was given 1-2 weeks extension time for supervisor's editing of forms.

version 1 - edited data; not anonymized; bases for published reports

The scope of the Census includes:
- HOUSEHOLD: Household characteristics, household listing, water and sanitation, crops, livestock, mortality
- PERSON: Demographic characteristics, child mortality, education, labour force, fertility

  • Collection start: 2011
  • Collection end: 2013
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Data and Resources

Identifier SPC_NRU_2011_PHC_v01_M
Issued 2013-08-18
Modified 2013-08-18
Version 1
DCAT Type Text
Temporal Coverage From 2011-01-01
Temporal Coverage To 2013-12-31
Publisher Name Nauru Bureau of Statistics
Contact Point
  • Nauru Bureau of Statistics