Tuvalu Population and Housing Census 2002

Date modified: 25 June 2019 Version 01

The 2012 Population and Housing census of Tuvalu is the second census conducted by the Central Statistics Division since Tuvalu gained political independence in 1978. This census provides the population and housing information on areas covering general health, education, labour force, employment, disability, children, youth, aging-population, gender, communication, technology, urbanization, home appliances and many others.

Version 01: Cleaned, labelled and de-identified version of the Master file.

The scope of Census includes:

  • HOUSEHOLD: Household characteristics such as; Type of Living quarters, House ownership, construction, floor & roof materials, source of drinking water, toilet type, source of cooking energy, method of cooking, source of lighting, type of crops grown, size of garden, types of livestocks, different appliances and electronics own, internet access, cash received, etc.

  • INDIVIDUAL (PERSONAL): List of all Household members, sex, age, date of birth, education and health background, nationality, residential status, ethnicity, religion, disability, internet activities, literacy level, smoke, alcohol, kava, traditional skills, main activities, occupation, etc.

  • Collection start: 2002

  • Collection end: 2002
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Data and Resources

Identifier SPC_TUV_2002_PHC_v01_M
Issued 2019-06-25
Modified 2019-06-25
Version 01
DCAT Type Text
Source https://microdata.pacificdata.org/index.php/catalog/244
Temporal Coverage From 2002-01-01
Temporal Coverage To 2002-12-31
Publisher Name Central Statistics Division
Contact Point
  • Central Statistics Division