Samoa Agricultural Census 2009

Date modified: 01 April 2019

The 2009 Agricultural Census was undertaken by the Samoa Bureau of Statistics in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries. The Census collected a large volume of information pertaining to the agricultural activities of households. Enumeration was carried out for 5 weeks in November/December 2009 by enumerators selected from the villages through interview and a basic test. The test included basic mathematical skills, knowledge of agricultural practices and map reading. This was to ensure that the enumerators are of high quality. The officers of the Samoa Bureau of Statistics and the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries were allocated to specified areas as supervisors.

The Scope of the Agricultural Census 2009 includes the following:

  • Level of Agriculture Activity of the Households
  • Number of Holdings and Method of Operation
  • Total Area of the Holding
  • Crops Grown
  • Sale of Major Crops
  • Consumption of Major Crops
  • Livestock (additional data on number of pet animals)
  • Amenities at the Principal Homestead
  • Household Composition
  • Labour Inputs
  • Household Income and Credit
  • Use of Agricultural Chemicals
  • Fisheries
  • Agriculture Equipment where included
  • Forestry
  • Plot details
  • Crops Planted and Harvested

The 2009 census covered a similar range of information as with the 1999 census with the following major changes:
- Collecting information on 6 additional crops grown
- Collecting information on consumption of 19 crops compared to 8 in 1999
- Deletion of sales information because of data quality problems
- Collecting information on pet animals.

See detailed scope of 1999 and 2009 censuses in Section 4 of the 2009 Agriculture Census Revised Tabulation Report - provided as external resources.

  • Collection start: 2009
  • Collection end: 2009
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Data and Resources

Identifier WSM_2009_AgC_v01_M
Issued 2019-04-01
Modified 2019-04-01
DCAT Type Text
Temporal Coverage From 2009-01-01
Temporal Coverage To 2009-12-31
Publisher Name
  • Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries
  • Samoa Bureau of Statistics
Contact Point
  • Economics Statistics Division