Education Dashboard
The purpose of the education dashboard is to provide data visualisations of the SDG 4 thematic indicators for Pacific Islands countries as reported by the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS). The UIS collects data on school students and teachers annually from national Education Management Information Systems (EMIS) as well as from population censuses and household surveys. The indicators are disaggregated by education level according to the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) which allows for direct comparability between countries.
The dashboard provides four different visualisations:
- Regional Average (unweighted) by Gender and Year: Average of indicator values reported by countries in the Pacific Islands region regardless of the size of the population to which the indicator relates.
- Latest Indicator Value by Country: Most recent value reported for each Pacific Island country over the last five years where data has been provided.
- Gender Disparity by Country: The inverse of the gender parity index which represents the degree to which the indicator differs between male and females for each Pacific Island country.
- Indicator Value by Country: A regional map showing the geographic location and indicator value ranges for Pacific Island countries.