Eurapik Rise

Submitted by malakaiv_admin on
Joint submission
Preliminary submission done
Full submission complied and lodged
Date of Preliminary submission
Extended Continental Shelf Pathway Steps
Step state
Step state
Not Started
Step state
Not Started
Step state
Not Started
Step state
Not Started
JSON coordinates
"type": "FeatureCollection",
"name": "Mussau Ridge",
"crs": { "type": "name", "properties": { "name": "urn:ogc:def:crs:OGC:1.3:CRS84" } },
"features": [
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "id": null }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiPolygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ [ 139.936716, 1.545295 ], [ 139.887087, 1.563997 ], [ 139.10376, 2.328875 ], [ 139.40596, 3.112413 ], [ 139.671692, 4.054847 ], [ 139.273048, 4.957713 ], [ 139.532445, 4.876143 ], [ 139.752163, 4.82384 ], [ 139.960431, 4.788412 ], [ 140.221383, 4.762798 ], [ 140.245919, 4.758634 ], [ 140.374021, 4.587863 ], [ 140.495519, 4.444547 ], [ 140.605491, 4.327656 ], [ 140.726245, 4.211238 ], [ 140.854775, 4.099213 ], [ 140.972648, 4.006012 ], [ 141.120957, 3.900228 ], [ 141.262252, 3.810175 ], [ 141.446734, 3.706823 ], [ 141.624295, 3.621038 ], [ 141.784796, 3.554133 ], [ 141.927656, 3.50231 ], [ 142.120869, 3.443791 ], [ 142.41603, 3.378165 ], [ 142.646997, 3.345845 ], [ 142.917491, 3.328143 ], [ 143.184299, 3.325637 ], [ 143.409736, 3.340094 ], [ 143.59861, 3.364046 ], [ 143.867866, 3.417511 ], [ 144.183557, 3.51051 ], [ 144.630729, 3.704177 ], [ 145.18848, 3.840432 ], [ 144.858231, 3.416018 ], [ 144.4103, 2.469167 ], [ 144.0703, 2.353611 ], [ 143.7386, 2.211667 ], [ 142.5933, 1.891944 ], [ 141.9389, 1.701667 ], [ 141.4103, 1.459444 ], [ 141.0083, 1.190278 ], [ 140.8097, 1.0264 ], [ 140.806857, 1.111968 ], [ 140.667961, 1.183569 ], [ 140.578112, 1.230801 ], [ 140.482368, 1.280541 ], [ 140.427439, 1.309022 ], [ 140.322799, 1.363439 ], [ 140.258659, 1.396762 ], [ 140.156716, 1.447567 ], [ 140.066648, 1.490004 ], [ 140.011879, 1.513883 ], [ 139.936716, 1.545295 ] ] ] ] } }