American Samoa Territorial Sea (12 Nautical Mile)
Maritime Boundaries (GEM) Dataset
The Territorial Sea of the United States of America By the President of the United States of America A Proclamation of 27 December 1988 states the extension of the territorial sea of the...
American Samoa Contiguous Zone (24 Nautical Mile)
Maritime Boundaries (GEM) Dataset
The Contiguous Zone of the United States - Proclamation by the President of the United States of America, 2 September 1999 proclaims the extension of the contiguous zone of the United...
American Samoa Exclusive Economic Zone (200 Nautical Mile)
Maritime Boundaries (GEM) Dataset
The Proclamation 5030 by the President of the United States of America (10 March 1983) states that the exclusive economic zone of the United States is a zone contiguous to the territorial...
Guam Exclusive Economic Zone (200 Nautical Mile)
Maritime Boundaries (GEM) Dataset
The Proclamation 5030 by the President of the United States of America (10 March 1983) states that the exclusive economic zone of the United States is a zone contiguous to the territorial...
Global Distribution of Coral Reefs
United Nations Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC) Dataset
This dataset shows the global distribution of coral reefs in tropical and subtropical regions. It is the most comprehensive global dataset of warm-water coral reefs to date, acting as a...
GEBCO 2019 Global Bathymetric Grid
General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans (GEBCO) Dataset
GEBCO’s gridded bathymetric data sets are global terrain models for ocean and land. The grids are available to download or access through Web Map Services. Imagery reproduced from the...
Percentage of Population within 1 5 & 10km Coastal Buffers
SPC Statistics for Development Division (SDD) Dataset
A collaborative project between SPC, the World Fish Centre and the University of Wollongong has produced the first detailed population estimates of people living close to the coast in the...