La pêche de la langouste dans l'archipel de Tongatapu (Tonga): sa biologie et les conséquences d'une nouvelle réglementation de cette pêche
SPC Fisheries, Aquaculture and Marine Ecosystems division (FAME) Publications
Udagawa K., Kava V., Fa'anunu U. 1995. La pêche de la langouste dans l'archipel de Tongatapu (Tonga): sa biologie et les conséquences d'une nouvelle réglementation de cette pêche [Doc....
Lobster fishery in the Tongatapu Island group, Tonga: its biology and the effect of new fishery regulation
SPC Fisheries, Aquaculture and Marine Ecosystems division (FAME) Publications
Udagawa K., Kava V., Fa'anunu U. 1995. Lobster fishery in the Tongatapu Island group, Tonga: its biology and the effect of new fishery regulation [BP 10]. Noumea, New Caledonia: South...
Growth and mortality rates and state of exploitation of spiny lobsters in Tonga
SPC Fisheries, Aquaculture and Marine Ecosystems division (FAME) Publications
Munro J.L. 1988. Growth and mortality rates and state of exploitation of spiny lobsters in Tonga [BP51]. Noumea, New Caledonia: South Pacific Commission. Workshop on Pacific Inshore...