Tropical CO2 seeps reveal the impact of ocean acidification on coral reef invertebrate recruitment
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Publications
Rising atmospheric CO2 concentrations are causing ocean acidification by reducing seawater pH and carbonate saturation levels. Laboratory studies have demonstrated that many larval and...
Galápagos coral reef persistence after ENSO warming across an acidification gradient
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Publications
Anthropogenic CO2 is causing warming and ocean acidification. Coral reefs are being severely impacted, yet confusion lingers regarding how reefs will respond to these stressors over this...
The sounds of silence: regime shifts impoverish marine soundscapes
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Publications
Context Regime shifts are well known for driving penetrating ecological change, yet we do not recognise the consequences of these shifts much beyond species diversity and productivity....
The influence of Pacific Equatorial Water on fish diversity in the southern California Current System
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Publications
The California Undercurrent transports Pacific Equatorial Water (PEW) into the Southern California Bight from the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean. PEW is characterized by higher...