Palau Sustainable Economic Development Through Renewable Energy Application (SEDREA) Project - Terminal Evaluation

Date modified: 15 February 2022

This report was prepared by Mahendra Kumar, an independent consultant. The SEDREA project was intended to contribute to, at least in the reduction of the growth rate of GHG emissions from diesel-based power generation in Palau. The project purpose was the facilitation of the reduction of imported fossil fuel consumption through the widespread application of Renewable Energy Technologies (RETs) not only to meet the electricity needs of the country but also provide the other energy requirements for productive uses in the other major sectors of the national economy. The main outcome of the project was the effective utilization, and realization of benefits from the use, of the country’s feasible Renewable Energy (RE) resources.

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Alternate Identifier
Issued 2020-04-06T06:47:58.327027
Modified 2022-02-15 03:36:11.117708
DCAT Type Text
Source United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Contact Point
  • Mahendra Kumar