Pacific Women Toolkit for Monitoring and Evaluation Data Collection

Date modified: 2017

Pacific Women’s M&E system operates at various levels. This includes the program level, the country level and the activity level. Each separate level has its own cycle of planning, monitoring, evaluation and reporting. These cycles together combine to form the Pacific Women M&E system. The Toolkit for Monitoring and Evaluation supports Pacific Women Implementing Partners with their M&E Plans by providing a range of possible tools to collect data to support the Pacific Women MEF and Database as well as to inform project learning and improvement. The Toolkit provides a range of guidance, templates and resources that can be adapted to collect both routine monitoring data and periodic internal evaluation data that can be used to demonstrate project outcomes, or progress toward them. It is designed to act as a guide and a resource for monitoring and internal evaluation that can be used to support the development of a ‘performance story’ of Pacific Women.

Data and Resources

Issued 2017
Modified 2017
DCAT Type Text
Publisher Name Pacific Women Support Unit