Palau Contiguous Zone (24 Nautical Miles)
Forum Fisheries Agency (FFA) Dataset
Title 27 of the Palau National Code as amended by the Act (SIXTH OLBIIL ERA KELULAU) to Amend Chapter 1 of Title 27 of the Palau National Code defines the contiguous zone of each island...
Restricted EEZ - Asia Pacific Region Only
Forum Fisheries Agency (FFA) Dataset
This layer was clipped from the global eez layer for ease of rendering and was requested by the FFA team. It does not consist of the India and Bangladesh eez.
Restricted Vanuatu Contiguous Zone (24 Nautical Miles)
Forum Fisheries Agency (FFA) Dataset
The 24 nautical mile layer for Vanuatu was extracted from the Global Marine Regions platform (https://www.marineregions.org/) since Vanuatu has not published it officially with UNDOALOS.
Restricted Vanuatu Territorial Sea (12 Nautical Miles)
Forum Fisheries Agency (FFA) Dataset
The 12 nautical mile layer for Vanuatu was extracted from the Global Marine Regions platform (https://www.marineregions.org/) since Vanuatu has not published it officially with UNDOALOS.