Cook Islands country report: profiles and results from survey work at Aitutaki, Palmerston, Mangaia and Rarotonga (February and October 2007)
SPC Fisheries, Aquaculture and Marine Ecosystems division (FAME) Publications
Pinca S., Boblin P., Friedman K.J., Kronen M., Magron F., Awira R., Pakoa K., Lasi F., Tardy E., Chapman L.B. 2009. Cook Islands country report: profiles and results from survey work at...
La pêche industrielle de la crevette dans le golfe de Papouasie : recherche et gestion
SPC Fisheries, Aquaculture and Marine Ecosystems division (FAME) Publications
Evans C.R., Opnai L.J., Kare B.D. 1995. La pêche industrielle de la crevette dans le golfe de Papouasie : recherche et gestion [Doc. réf. 28]. Noumea, New Caledonia: South Pacific...
La pêche à la langouste dans les îles du Pacifique : fortune ou faillite ?
SPC Fisheries, Aquaculture and Marine Ecosystems division (FAME) Publications
Adams T., Dalzell P. 1994. La pêche à la langouste dans les îles du Pacifique : fortune ou faillite ? Lettre d'information sur les pêches de la CPS 67:24-29.
Poverty in paradise? Issues in poverty and development in Fijian fishing villages
SPC Fisheries, Aquaculture and Marine Ecosystems division (FAME) Publications
Zann S. 2008. Poverty in paradise? Issues in poverty and development in Fijian fishing villages. SPC Women In Fisheries Information Bulletin 18:36-41.
La pêcherie de trocas du Soudan
SPC Fisheries, Aquaculture and Marine Ecosystems division (FAME) Publications
Eltayeb M.M. 2005. La pêcherie de trocas du Soudan. Le Troca, Bulletin d'information de la CPS 11:5-7.
Seaweed quality manual, Solomon Islands. A practical guide for seaweed farmers, buying agents, fisheries officers and exporters [updated and expanded version - 2013].
SPC Fisheries, Aquaculture and Marine Ecosystems division (FAME) Publications
Tiroba G. 2013. Seaweed quality manual, Solomon Islands. A practical guide for seaweed farmers, buying agents, fisheries officers and exporters [updated and expanded version - 2013]....
The Ecosystem Approach to Coastal Fisheries and Aquaculture in Pacific Island Countries and Territories. Part 1, A review of the current status - Part 2, Principles and approaches for strategic implementation
SPC Fisheries, Aquaculture and Marine Ecosystems division (FAME) Publications
Preston G.L. c2009. The Ecosystem Approach to Coastal Fisheries and Aquaculture in Pacific Island Countries and Territories. Part 1, A review of the current status - Part 2, Principles...
Vanuatu s'efforce de développer son commerce de poissons d'aquariophilie marine
SPC Fisheries, Aquaculture and Marine Ecosystems division (FAME) Publications
Yeeting B., Pakoa K. 2005. Vanuatu s'efforce de développer son commerce de poissons d'aquariophilie marine. Ressources marines et commercialisation, Bulletin d'information de la CPS...
漂流延绳钓渔民之海洋物种鉴定手册 = Marine species identification manual for horizontal longline fishermen [Chinese/English version]
SPC Fisheries, Aquaculture and Marine Ecosystems division (FAME) Publications
Chapman, L., Sharples, P., Brogan, D., Desurmont, A., Beverly, S., Sokimi, W. D. 2015. ???????????????? = Marine species identification manual for horizontal longline fishermen...
Appraising the resilience of trochus and other nearshore artisanal fisheries in the Western Pacific
SPC Fisheries, Aquaculture and Marine Ecosystems division (FAME) Publications
Foale S. 2008. Appraising the resilience of trochus and other nearshore artisanal fisheries in the Western Pacific. SPC Trochus Information Bulletin 14:12-15.
Traditional marine resource management in Vanuatu: Acknowledging, supporting and strengthening indigenous management systems
SPC Fisheries, Aquaculture and Marine Ecosystems division (FAME) Publications
Hickey F.R. 2006. Traditional marine resource management in Vanuatu: Acknowledging, supporting and strengthening indigenous management systems. SPC Traditional Marine Resource Management...
Standardized CPUE and catch for the pelagic shark species caught by the Japanese longline fishery in the SBT fishery
SPC Fisheries, Aquaculture and Marine Ecosystems division (FAME) Publications
Matsunaga, H., Shono, H., Hosono, T. 2006. Analysis of longline CPUE of major pelagic shark species collected by Japanese research and training vessels in the Pacific Ocean [EB WP-10]....
Albacore - The other sashimi tuna
SPC Fisheries, Aquaculture and Marine Ecosystems division (FAME) Publications
Beverly S. 2003. Albacore - The other sashimi tuna. SPC Fisheries Newsletter 103:35-38.
Lessons learned - A review of successes and failures in tuna fisheries development in the Pacific islands: May 2008
SPC Fisheries, Aquaculture and Marine Ecosystems division (FAME) Publications
Philipson P.W. 2008. Lessons learned - A review of successes and failures in tuna fisheries development in the Pacific islands: May 2008. Noumea, New Caledonia: Secretariat of the Pacific...
Marshall Islands country report: profiles and results from survey work at Likiep, Ailuk, Arno and Laura (August and September 2007)
SPC Fisheries, Aquaculture and Marine Ecosystems division (FAME) Publications
Pinca S., Tardy E., Awira R., Pakoa K., Boblin P., Friedman K.J., Vunisea A., Lasi F., Magron F., Chapman L.B., Kronen M. 2009. Marshall Islands country report: profiles and results from...
Processed form of blue shark (Prionace glauca) caught by Japanese longline fisheries with the estimation of conversion factor from processed weight to round weight
SPC Fisheries, Aquaculture and Marine Ecosystems division (FAME) Publications
Semba Y., Okamoto H., Shiozaki K., Fujinami Y. 2015. Processed form of blue shark (Prionace glauca) caught by Japanese longline fisheries with the estimation of conversion factor from...
Fisheries in the economies of Pacific Island countries and territories
SPC Fisheries, Aquaculture and Marine Ecosystems division (FAME) Publications
Gillett R.D. 2016. Fisheries in the economies of Pacific Island countries and territories. Noumea, New Caledonia: Pacific Community. 684 p.
Pearls from Africa
SPC Fisheries, Aquaculture and Marine Ecosystems division (FAME) Publications
Southgate P., Rubens J., Kipanga M., Msumi G. 2006. Pearls from Africa. SPC Pearl Oyster Information Bulletin 17:16-17.
Selling and marketing fish in the Solomon Islands
SPC Fisheries, Aquaculture and Marine Ecosystems division (FAME) Publications
Pomeroy R., Yang D. 2015. Selling and marketing fish in the Solomon Islands. SPC Fisheries Newsletter 145:23-28.
La fabrication d'ensilage de poisson
SPC Fisheries, Aquaculture and Marine Ecosystems division (FAME) Publications
Blanc M., Le-Bars J. 2009. La fabrication d'ensilage de poisson. Nouméa, Nouvelle-Calédonie: Secrétariat général de la Communauté du Pacifique. 26 p.