SB_TC_HazardMap Wind 50 MRP
SPC Geoscience, Energy and Maritime Division (GEM) Dataset
A tropical cyclone wind hazard map provides, at any location, the value of a wind intensity measure (for example, maximum 1 minute sustained wind speed for tropical cyclones) that is...
SPC Geoscience, Energy and Maritime Division (GEM) Dataset
An earthquake hazard map provides, at any location, the value of a ground motion intensity measure (for example, horizontal peak ground acceleration, PGA) that is expected to be exceeded...
SPC Geoscience, Energy and Maritime Division (GEM) Dataset
Building replacement cost density by ward
PG_TC_HazardMap Wind 50 MRP
SPC Geoscience, Energy and Maritime Division (GEM) Dataset
A tropical cyclone wind hazard map provides, at any location, the value of a wind intensity measure (for example, maximum 1 minute sustained wind speed for tropical cyclones) that is...
SPC Geoscience, Energy and Maritime Division (GEM) Dataset
An earthquake hazard map provides, at any location, the value of a ground motion intensity measure (for example, horizontal peak ground acceleration, PGA) that is expected to be exceeded...
- Dataset
SPC Geoscience, Energy and Maritime Division (GEM) Dataset
The building exposure database includes a comprehensive inventory of residential, commercial, public and industrial buildings, consisting of their location, structural characteristics...
SPC Geoscience, Energy and Maritime Division (GEM) Dataset
An earthquake hazard map provides, at any location, the value of a ground motion intensity measure (for example, horizontal peak ground acceleration, PGA) that is expected to be exceeded...
- Dataset
SPC Geoscience, Energy and Maritime Division (GEM) Dataset
The building exposure database includes a comprehensive inventory of residential, commercial, public and industrial buildings, consisting of their location, structural characteristics...
SB_TC_HazardMap Wind 100 MRP
SPC Geoscience, Energy and Maritime Division (GEM) Dataset
A tropical cyclone wind hazard map provides, at any location, the value of a wind intensity measure (for example, maximum 1 minute sustained wind speed for tropical cyclones) that is...
SPC Geoscience, Energy and Maritime Division (GEM) Dataset
No abstract provided
Papua New Guinea Wind Resource Monitoring
SPC Geoscience, Energy and Maritime Division (GEM) Publications
The PNG wind dataset is extracted from the 3TIER Global Wind Dataset, IRENA Global Atlas for Renewable Energy. 3TIER Global Wind Dataset can be downloaded from this link:...